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Pikes Peak Rush Soccer Club

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Jan, 2020

Alaska Rush ‘07 Boys Player Trey Richardson as a Player Who Displays Great Leadership


This month, we have heard from the perspectives of two Rush Executive Directors on the Core Value of Leadership. This week, we are moving perspectives from Rush staff members to a Rush player to get a viewpoint of leadership on the field. 

We reached out to Technical Director Brian Lux at Alaska Rush to connect us with a player that he believes displays great leadership at his local club. Brian connected us with Rush Premier ‘07 Boys player Trey Richardson. Trey is a versatile player whose position is mainly forward or center mid, but can range to almost any position.

“Trey is a stand out kid for us, both on the field and in how he treats his teammates and the club,” said Brian on his decision to choose Trey as a player that displays great leadership. “He is a great friend and teammate and he is always the first one to show up and the last to leave to make sure everything is put away and everyone is taken care of. He is certainly a great example of a true leader!”

“I think leadership is very important,” Trey stated. “To me, a good leader is someone who looks out for everyone on their team and takes risks for things if they need to.”

There are many situations that require leaders to step up. “One example,” Trey explains, “is when our team is down or not doing well, a leader is able to make changes that help us get on track.”

Trey gives credit of his leadership style to the influence of his coaches’ leadership.

“My team coach really pushes our team to be better players and sets us up to make changes to our game that will improve our team. He’s constantly talking to us during the game when we come off the field on how to react to certain things he sees on the field. We see the leadership style that he’s showing us and it is affecting our team.” 

The coaches at Rush encourage their players to demonstrate leadership on the field and Alaska Rush is no different:

“During games and practices, our coaches are always encouraging us to go outside of our norm and to be able to talk to our teammates, and to push and help each other to get better,” Trey explains.

When asked how he believed he displayed leadership well, he responded:

“I encourage my teammates to stay in position and be positive. We talk back and forth about things we are seeing on the field.”

Rush is proud to recognize Trey as an example of a great leader and is excited to see him continue to influence his teammates and those around him! We encourage leaders all across the Rush Family to continue to lead well; you are important!

Follow along next week as we conclude our Leadership highlight with one of Rush’s Technical Directors and her outlook on January’s Core Value!


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